it iS HOT !!!!


artistic fowlism
16 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Yamhill County, Oregon
its burning up out there, it hit 108* here and getting into 112 + in other parts of the area. its not normally this hot EVER . summer or not. things usually dont get so hot and expected for so long.. atleast not since i can remember.

the chickens were just PANTING to death outside, ontop of the fact that most of them are darker colors and shade was becoming scarse, i decided to take the sprinkler ( the fan shapped kind the sprays up and goes side to side) and put it in the pen/yard and leave it on for a while. a few hours later i had chickens splashing around in puddles and they were cooling off.. i also asked my neighbors for extra emply pop bottles and milk jugs which i filled with water and froze then put in the pens.

i hope things cool down soon. im not use to this !
I hear you!
That just sounds dreadful--and if you are in the same weather pattern as us, it is just expected to get worse the next couple of days. We are going to have to get really creative to keep both us and our chickens cool. I've been putting drink coolers in their water, hosing down the run a few times a day. I wish I could figure out how to cool down the henhouse.
lol - we have the opposite problem! Its too cold here, got down to -3C last night and supposed to frost again tonight, rain storms forcast for the next few days.
I've just given my chooks some extra hay.

Although my daffodils are starting to poke through and the calves are here so spring can't be far away
Your turn is coming....

I've recently read on here of several people simply dunking the chickens in water; they say it keeps them cooler for hours, which makes sense to me, if you slosh them around enough to get the skin wet. Going to do it next time I see them panting. I hose things down and they have good shade and breeze. The will NOT stand in water or get under a sprinkler or mister.
I did the frozen plastic milk jug thing, too--my girls LOVE it! They also liked rolling around in damp mulch an hour or so after the sprinkler was turned off--a very damp, refreshing dust bath, I guess! They looked pretty ragged afterwards, but they cooled off well! We've already had temps over 100, which are usually reserved for August and September. If it gets any worse, the girls will come inside and move into the dog crate so they can be in the air conditioning during the heat of the day (and that way I can justify turning it on!)! Good luck and cool breezes to you!
Never thought I would call 96F 'cool', but it beats the heck out of 102F and you can really tell the difference! By the end of the week it is supposed to get back up around 99F.

Hope it rains and cools down.
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It is supposed to be hotter in the willamette valley tomarrow... Yuck... Record breaking temp.. My cochins are laying right on through... Amazing little birds... If I leave the eggs they are making me dinner as well as breakfast... ha ha:lol:
Okay... that is it.... why aren't my smilies showing up like everyone elses..???? I will try again...
I remember 99. I remember running through the yard, organdy lace trailing, soft music coming from the trees. Oh, yes, I remember 99.

I remember 109. I remember walking through the yard, hose trailing behind, the sound of cicadas humming in the trees.

I remember 119. I remember coming into the house, going straight to a cold shower, and at the end of the shower, seeing a red face in the mirror. How could it still be red??? I remember not drying off with a towel, just putting on a baggy t-shirt and walking through the house wet, hoping the A/C would cool me down, drinking two glasses of ice water.

I remember 120. I remember it like it was today.


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