It may be time for me to face up * UPDATE page 3 *

Oh, thank you so much for all of the well wishing (and hugs, Red). We did look under the house and throughout the garage. I keep calling him. Our property is very wooded and has a lot of underbrush, so there are many places for him to hide. We'll do another thorough canvassing this evening. I'm hoping that because he's black that he is harder for predators to spot.

Thanks again, I really needed to hear the positive stories.
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PAWS told me once when I lost a cat, that if a cat gets scared and runs out of it's territory it can get very lost... even if it's just a few yards from it's own territory. So canvas! Call the local vets, animal rescue people... flyers are good too... There's hope!
Angiechick,I really hope that your cat turns up soon.My mom works at a vet's office and they frequently have cats come in severely dehydrated from spending up to weeks in the woods.Maybe he just went mousing alitte to far. Don't give up

I would contact all local vets .Someone might have found him and turned him in as a stray.
I also heard to leave out things that smell like you and the house...blankets.. his cat bed..worn clothes..etc.. scatter them all around the area..
so he can find the familiar scent and hopefully make it back home.
I hope he comes home!
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Since you have a lot of woods, you should try this: Go to the same spot every 30 minutes or so and call as loud as you can for a few times. If she's lost, hearing your voice can help her zero in on you. And yelling repeatedly helps her get closer each time. Some place like your back door is a good spot, in case she's actually very close by.
I called and called, Cheddar was too scared to come out. Keep crawling under things!
This give me hope for another reason. We found a stray cat stalking our chickens last week so we trapped it one afternoon. We don't mind the stray/ ferrel cats but not when they are stalking. We had seen it for days before we were tired of watching our roo go after it. Turns up the poor cat is a pet of someones and hungry! None of our neighbors claim this cat now named by my daughter but we just put out a FOUND CAT sign today in hopes that someone will come and claim it. Hope your cat is just being taken care of also. Did you have a collar on yours? This one doesn't but she/he looks healthy. I've called both of our vets and some rescue organizations. Everyone is full and nobody claims to have lost a grey tabby. Maybe yours will come sauntering home this weekend.
My husband's cat, Smidgen, snuck out of the house one evening when the door had been left open for a fraction too long and was gone for eight long weeks. Smidge had been a house cat his entire life, and after a couple weeks I really didn't think he could have possibly survived, especially since he is front declawed. We live in a rural area heavily populated by both fox and coyotes.

We searched on a daily basis for a month, then a month after that we heard a pitiful whining coming from the drainage pipe in the ditch in front of our house. DH went to grab the flashlight, and sure enough, there was poor Smidgen, who would not have made it much longer for sure. He was very dehydrated, and skin and bones, but he's with us to this day and is a grand old man of 17 with no sign of slowing down.

I wish you the best of luck with finding your kitty.

I'm sorry.

Since you said you live in a rural area, I need to ask you this. Do you have any outbuildings that are normally closed up? and have you checked them thoroughly?

The reason I ask is this. When Kitty was about a year old she disappeared. I called and called for her, walked the farm looking. On the fourth day DH told me I'd have to face the fact that she most likely fell prey to coyotes.
On the 11th day, DH went into an outbuilding that's rarely used and found Kitty sitting in there wild-eyed. She was fine due to her terrific hunting skills. We figure for water she either got fluids from her kills or managed to lick condensation off the well pipes.
Two weeks later she disappeared again. This time the first thing we did was open up buildings that we don't go into all that much. Sure enough, Kitty was in one.

I hope you find your kitty.

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