It WORKED! The light in the coop WORKED!

Aug 6, 2018
I wanted to share for others that are having a hard time getting their chickens to go into their coop at night. I have 6 1/2 week old chicks and have been having to tuck them in every night. This required ALOT of work. We hung a light in there, turned it on at their bedtime, and they marched right into the coop. I turned the light off and they are cuddled up a sleep in their usual spot. I hope this helps someone who is struggling!
I put a solar powered LED light in my coop and it works well too. The light only comes on when its "dark enough" using some light sensor but anyways I never turn it off so its always on. What this means is that it turns on when its too dark for the chickens to be outside and they go in on their own like you mentioned. So if you have to turn yours on and off every night consider a solar powered one.
I wanted to share for others that are having a hard time getting their chickens to go into their coop at night. I have 6 1/2 week old chicks and have been having to tuck them in every night. This required ALOT of work. We hung a light in there, turned it on at their bedtime, and they marched right into the coop. I turned the light off and they are cuddled up a sleep in their usual spot. I hope this helps someone who is struggling!
Yup, it works every time for me :)

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