It's 13 degrees outside...And I am worried

Ugh im in northern maine I feel you're pain I also made a thread post about cold is here I was told "unless they are chicks no heat needed" ??? Ugh no wayyyy!!!! 75% humidity im in north eastern Alaska up here lol I run 2 heat lights brood lights whatever and umm Gonna continue .. I'm a mess in Maine also but my girls are not uncomfy looking at all so far ( yip I been out 3 times it's 0 degrees here with wind im a mess too..
Glad all you worried folks are here! All having a good day? I am! I took water out first thing this morning. Then I fixed everyone breakfast!
2 dogs, 3 cats and fourteen girls! I make all my critters food! Today it’s Eggs, bread, apple, ground beef, egg shells, and a can of cat food. YUM!
I have a coop inside the barn. I wrapped the whole thing with thick plastic, three sides and the roof. Lots of work but well worth it. I do use a heat lamp. Main for the older girl that is blind. I put a 4x4 in a corner for her to roost on the floor. It may not be necessary, but it makes me feel better and the old girl seems to enjoy it she stays in that corner. I go out several times a day to put her at the food and water to make sure she gets what she needs. They all seem to be doing real good, no frostbite yet this year.


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It gets down to -25 C here in Bulgaria during winter with snow easily a metre deep, we put extra hay in the hen house/coop and spread some around the ground for when they come out so their little tootsies do not get cold (they refuse to wear slippers!), we have put vaseline on their "exposed bits" previously but was not sure if it actually had any effect. Only one slight case of frostbite but nothing serious that was down to lack of ventilation in the coop which we soon rectified. I think sometimes we worry too much as they are adaptable and hardy birds.
I’ve only done it once myself. I don’t know that it helped! But, like aart said, it made me feel better.
Glad all you worried folks are here! All having a good day? I am! I took water out first thing this morning. Then I fixed everyone breakfast!
2 dogs, 3 cats and fourteen girls! I make all my critters food! Today it’s Eggs, bread, apple, ground beef, egg shells, and a can of cat food. YUM!
You make it sounds so delicious....looking for a roommate? :lau
I have a coop inside the barn. I wrapped the whole thing with thick plastic, three sides and the roof. Lots of work but well worth it. I do use a heat lamp. Main for the older girl that is blind. I put a 4x4 in a corner for her to roost on the floor. It may not be necessary, but it makes me feel better and the old girl seems to enjoy it she stays in that corner. I go out several times a day to put her at the food and water to make sure she gets what she needs. They all seem to be doing real good, no frostbite yet this year.
WOW! What beauties!!!
It was well into single digits here last night and we’ve have several nights below zero since mid-October. They are fine. I do heat the “rooster coop” since there is only two of them in there and they don’t like each other enough to “huddle.” They would actually probably be okay, but I feel they deserve for me to put some effort into making them a little more comfortable.
WOW! What beauties!!!
Thank you! :bow I think they are beautiful. Their my babies, and they are all very spoiled. I let them free range everyday. I have so much fun watching them. They come up on the porch and peck on the glass storm door until I acknowledge them, pet, sweet talk, hand out treats...
One of the older girls is my favorite. Mrs. Red, she'll come in when I open the door! She stands in one spot until she gets her special treat. Then she's ready to go bamck out. Too funny.
So, I truly trust the experienced and coming up on experienced posters here on BYC...I believe I have and am doing the right measures during the cold snaps....wrapped run, dry straw and hay in their run, dry and tossed everyday pine shavings in their coop, clean water everyday in their thermal bowl, greens and steel cut oats, grubblies and a brief bit of sunshine if it comes out for them to enjoy. This is the first winter just like I had the first summer filled with panic and not knowing what to do...I am paranoid; I am a keeper and I love my girls...thank you everyone...for helping me through my anxiety...I am a NEWBIE! I love all of you for being here to help me through my first year...your are all the BEST!
So, I truly trust the experienced and coming up on experienced posters here on BYC...I believe I have and am doing the right measures during the cold snaps....wrapped run, dry straw and hay in their run, dry and tossed everyday pine shavings in their coop, clean water everyday in their thermal bowl, greens and steel cut oats, grubblies and a brief bit of sunshine if it comes out for them to enjoy. This is the first winter just like I had the first summer filled with panic and not knowing what to do...I am paranoid; I am a keeper and I love my girls...thank you everyone...for helping me through my anxiety...I am a NEWBIE! I love all of you for being here to help me through my first year...your are all the BEST!
You must be a night person too! This is my second year, it's not any different than the first. I still go out to check on them 2-3 times during the night. I thought it was just me! I'm so glad you posted! Thank you.
So, I truly trust the experienced and coming up on experienced posters here on BYC...I believe I have and am doing the right measures during the cold snaps....wrapped run, dry straw and hay in their run, dry and tossed everyday pine shavings in their coop, clean water everyday in their thermal bowl, greens and steel cut oats, grubblies and a brief bit of sunshine if it comes out for them to enjoy. This is the first winter just like I had the first summer filled with panic and not knowing what to do...I am paranoid; I am a keeper and I love my girls...thank you everyone...for helping me through my anxiety...I am a NEWBIE! I love all of you for being here to help me through my first year...your are all the BEST!
That's an improvement, but please stop feeding them oatmeal. Little nutritional value for chickens. I found out the hard way. The thing you can do for your chickens is to feed them chicken feed with a high protein content like all flock. On cold days, feed them some corn before they go to roost. Chicken feed is designed to provide the nutrition your birds need to be healthy. Good luck with your flock. The first winter is always the toughest.

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