IT'S.....a chick.


Apr 18, 2018
Upstate SC
"She's" about 2 mos now, I believe. She won't hold still for a proper portrait LOL I'm not falling over myself to know, so if nobody can tell yet (or the pictures are too horrid), I know nature will make it all clear eventually. So, just for fun, do you think Cricket is a he or a she? :)
She has had CRAZY tail feathers from the beginning! They form a perfect little "v" over her butt. I'm not used to tail feathers growing in so quickly--all I've had til her were Brahma chicks. Pearl only now has her tail, and she was born in April. :-o
@Gray Farms , do you have a website? Every time I see you post, I drool over about half the critters listed in your signature, including the Jacob Sheep and Muscovy ducks! :love I want to come over and play at YOUR house LOL

I don't sorry. I'm entertained the idea but haven't gotten around to yet it. If your ever in my area drop me a line and your welcome to stop in.

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