It's about time...


5 Years
Mar 19, 2014
Acushnet, Ma
Greetings all!

I have been using BYC as a valuable resource for some time. Tonight I officially join!

I run a small scale farm in Acushnet Ma with my family. We have been raising chickens since 2006 and our flock just keeps growing and growing. We currently have RI Reds, Ameraucanas, Black Copper Marans, Swedish Flowering Hens, Polish, Silkies and Plymouth Barred Rocks. We love them all and couldn't imagine life without our peeps. We started selling chicks in 2012 and then moved on to selling fertile eggs. This year we started renting incubators too.

I look forward to becoming more involved on this site and aspire to help "Backyarders" in the same manner that I have been helped in the past.

Alexander Magnuson

You have a very nice flock of birds!! Some very pretty ones too.

Great to have you aboard and feel free to join right in and share your experience and knowledge!
Welcome!!! The group is amazing,
Do you have any black copper marans pullets for sale? I would like a few. I am on the cape :)
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