It's all BYC fault!


I'm at 101 degrees! Well, I'm not. The incubator is.


Just need to get the humidity thing going and I'll be ready to do the

happy chickee dance!
I found a really neat thermometer at Lowes today. I paid more than I wanted to ($25) but it has a wireless transmitter and it displays at all times the temperature, humidity, high temp and low temp of the day from inside the bator. It also give the temperature and humidity from outside of the bator as well. I figure if all the information is continuously displayed in easy to read format will help get more successful hatches then it will pay for itself.

I've also got what I believe will be an awesome homemade bator ideas which I'm going to work on and of course I will take pictures to show.

Okay, the temperature has been very stable today so I went ahead and added eggs. (I've been gathering them through the foul weather so it's pretty much use or lose them.) I have 5 Yokohamas and 7 Buttercups in the bator now.

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