It's Almost That Time


7 Years
Aug 29, 2012
Newberg, Oregon
My chicks will be 5 weeks old next week. That means it's almost time to kick them out of their comfy garage home and into the "big girl coop."

Our coop is all set up and I'm looking forward to putting it to good use. I know I'm supposed to lock them in for a week or so before I let them roam around the yard, but my question is do they have to be in the coop for that week or can I let them in the run occasionally?

On the one hand I'll be happy to get them out of my garage. They are NOT very tidy chickens. The bedding gets scattered everywhere since we're using a huge wire dog crate as their brooder, plus it gets tracked in the house from the garage. I'm very thankful for my shop-vac that makes clean-up really easy! And have I mentioned the crate is big enough for a Great Dane huge! My garage will seem a lot bigger once the crate is put away. On the other hand, I'll worry about them all locked up out there in the dark! (I know, I know...they'll be

Here's a few pictures of our little flock...

On the roost at 3 weeks old

A supervised visit to the "big girl yard"
Personally,I think a couple of days in the coop should be enough for them to learn it is their new home. You could even wait until their bed time and put them on the roost at night to reinforce their new sleeping quarters. I've graduated a few groups of babies and normally just put them in the house for a day or two and then open the door. Sometimes, you might have to shoo them in for a couiple of nights but they catch on pretty quickly.

How exciting, I miss having young ones - you have some very pretty girls.
agree. I would lock them in completely for a few days, then start letting them out in the evening an hour or two before bed time when you can sit with them. That is not enough time for them to wander far. Watch them and see if they go inside the coop to sleep. If they don't then do it for them and perhaps spend another day or so locked up. Then try it again.

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