It's been 37 hours - should I assist? Update - Chick dead.

That's a good update :) I'm going to log off soon, but please keep the updates coming, I'll catch up with you in a few hours. Good luck and
I didn't bother to assist for the chick. I checked on him just now and I saw that he pierces the innner membrane with his foot and was trying to get out. I took the egg out of the bator and noticed that there was yellow residue within the tupperware he was in. I'm assuming the temp was too low inside for him to fully absorb everything. I looked inside the egg and noticed the yolk sac, still unabsorbed.

I placed him back in the bator and currently have my fingers crossed that he will make it.

Update: Brown gunk leaked from the egg. as you can see, he kicked the inner membrane open with his feet. I suspect the gunk is blood and yolk. I peeked inside earlier and saw that he hadn't absorbed everythong so I moved him into a drier spot of the incubator so he can heat up and absorb everything.
He hatched! I had to remove the membrane that he had already beaten up on the other side. He had ruptured his yolk sac. I let him for several hours and I took a nap. I was woken up by my sister and rushed to the incubator. And there was the little bugger! Walking around as if nothing had happened. I couldn't get a look at him, however, my sister said that there was a red dot on his belly - so, pretty sure that is an exposed navel. If he's dried by tomorrow and I'll get a better look. Which, I've read can be helped along with a bit of iodine and bandaids?
Oh well done, Chick! That's great news! You can dab a little iodine on the navel, but if it's open I like to use some anti-bacterial, or antibiotic cream (one without painkiller in it), to hep prevent infection, and keep the little one on a sterile surface until it's sealed up.
I'll check our stores of neosporing and vitasilina and see which one doesn't have painkiller in it. If not, Iodine it is with a little bandaid to make sure it isn't pecked at or scraped or something to that affect. I will take pictures in the morning.

Ah, this chick has given me such a headache! But he's a trooper!
Neosporin is safe, if you can get some. I'd love to s what the little troublemaker looks like!

I had to move him since the other chicks were giving him a hard time. He's gotten very lethargic but he will get up and move about before settling again. The nub on his navel has dried for the most part and I'm waiting for him to fluff so I can do some cleaning. I placed him a small fish box and placed him next to the heater.

Next step is electrolytes and neosporin.
Awww, I hope he's doing better now. Mix one raw egg yolk with a tablespoon of water and let him drink some of it. That should help him a bit too.
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