It's Friday, the 13th... and setting eggs


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
upstate NY
I am not a superstitious i'm doing it! ...setting eggs...anyone else brave enough to join me?

Received my Russian Orloffs... can't wait to see the results. They came all the way from Washington... and I'm in NY...


I'm setting 30 silkie eggs today. My last two hatches didn't go very well. I installed a fan kit on my LG, so I'm hoping that Friday the 13th will bring me some good luck.
May I join? I'm a complete newb to hatching. I set eggs on Wednesday night, so I'm just a day or so ahead of you. In my enthusiasm I filled my incubator: some shipped Welsummer and Ameraucana eggs and some local Ameraucana and Marans eggs.

I've got a still-air hovabator and I'm keeping the "incubator cheat sheet" close for reference. My digital thermometer has gone wonky, so I'm relying on an aquarium bulb that I can barely read, lol. It seems to say 100 degrees this morning, so I'm calling it good.
thanks for joining me... i love silkies... have only 2 now...Mr. T (white male) and Mrs. Black...

I have EE's , tried to hatch Welsummer, but it didn't work out to well and love the color of Maran eggs. Though you can't see through them to check for veining.

good luck with your hatching...
I've tried something new, i put a couple of eggs into coffee filters, to stabilize them. i've tried the egg carton method, that kinda works...
I've also moved my incubator from the outside...adding a 2X4 to one side then moving it to the other side....i thought this way i wouldn't be opening it...This time i'm opening and hand turning...
I'm hoping for a better out come...
Sending good luck wishes to you too!! This hatch is kind of an experiment for me, since my first attempt I had only 3 out of 18 to hatch, and 4 out of 20 the second time. So many of them made it to lock down, but never pipped. I used the dry hatch method both times.

I suspect that temp was an issue since the weather here has been flip flopping between 50 & 80 degrees. I need the air conditioner one day and heat the next. That's why I installed a fan. I have 4 thermometers, and 2 hygrometers (overkill). The hygrometers are reading the same thing. Two of the thermometers are reading the same & the other 2 are reading the same, but about 1.5 degrees different from the first two. I'm trying to average between the 4. I also have an aquarium thermometer in there. I'm determined to get it right this time!!

I can't wait to follow you guys!!

Good Luck!!
Ive just set my eggs today too sadly i didnt even realise it was friday the 13th until i wrote the dates on my calendar for hatching luckily friday the 13th seems to be a lucky day for my family as 4 family members are born on the 13th friday of 4 different months plus my partner :) so im hoping for a good hatch.

so if you dont mind me Joining you? even though mine is slightly different as im hatching Quail eggs for the first time so it will only take 16 to 18 days for my babies to come hopefully

Good Luck and Good Hatches too all.
Spreading my friday the 13th luck too everyone
Ive just set my eggs today too sadly i didnt even realise it was friday the 13th until i wrote the dates on my calendar for hatching luckily friday the 13th seems to be a lucky day for my family as 4 family members are born on the 13th friday of 4 different months plus my partner :) so im hoping for a good hatch.

so if you dont mind me Joining you? even though mine is slightly different as im hatching Quail eggs for the first time so it will only take 16 to 18 days for my babies to come hopefully

Good Luck and Good Hatches too all.
Spreading my friday the 13th luck too everyone

join away!!!
ya.gif quail eggs, they're tiny, right? can i ask, what do you do with quails, let them go?

I didn't realize the date either, until i got my calendar out.
Sending good luck wishes to you too!! This hatch is kind of an experiment for me, since my first attempt I had only 3 out of 18 to hatch, and 4 out of 20 the second time. So many of them made it to lock down, but never pipped. I used the dry hatch method both times.

I suspect that temp was an issue since the weather here has been flip flopping between 50 & 80 degrees. I need the air conditioner one day and heat the next. That's why I installed a fan. I have 4 thermometers, and 2 hygrometers (overkill). The hygrometers are reading the same thing. Two of the thermometers are reading the same & the other 2 are reading the same, but about 1.5 degrees different from the first two. I'm trying to average between the 4. I also have an aquarium thermometer in there. I'm determined to get it right this time!!

I can't wait to follow you guys!!

Good Luck!!

you must be in my neck of the woods... northeast..we have had those wicked temp spikes too.
i've never used the dry method.... that would be a lot easier... have you tested your thermometers...using salt? I don't know if i can find that thread, but it's here somewhere on site... if you need it, i'll try to find it for you.
good luck..
I just Set 13 silver sebright eggs!
lol and no it was not planned I ordered 12 eggs and they were sent a day late and she added one extra

I would love to hatch along with you guys!

Yes, I did the salt calibration. I have been reading this forum trying to determine what I was doing wrong. I'm in VA & it got down to 28 one night this week. My house temp has been up & down. I think my temps varied inside the incubator during the last 2 hatches. That's why I have a thermometer in every corner, and an aquarium therm in the middle this time. I'm trying my best to walk away from the incubator, and let it stabilize, but I find myself looking at it every few minutes. It's going to be a long 3 weeks!

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