It's Friday, the 13th... and setting eggs


10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
upstate NY
I am not a superstitious i'm doing it! ...setting eggs...anyone else brave enough to join me?

Received my Russian Orloffs... can't wait to see the results. They came all the way from Washington... and I'm in NY...


I'll join you Melinda!!! I set 38 bantam cochin eggs at 5pm on Friday the 13th. This will be my first time hatching bantams. My last two hatches were not so good, so wish me luck. And Good luck with yours!

I hope so also! It's been beautiful weather here, but we have to go somewhere today and tomorrow and not relax, but Sunday will finally be free and I can clean coops or something.

I just woke up this morning, went outside, and noticed something was really trying hard to dig under the coop, but didn't make it through the wire.
I set 42 eggs on Thursday night the 12th, so I expect chicks in a week, too. I candled at 8 days and took out eight eggs (of course, two days later I put in eight more - what a disease this hatching business it). I pencil the line the airsack makes and Sunday night, I'll candle again to make sure it is growing appropriately. No matter how many times I hatch, I get just as excited.

Yesterday, one of my hens went broody, so I isolated her and stuck 10 eggs under her.

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