ITS PEEPING!!! but not pipping??


8 Years
Jan 2, 2012
My 1 egg out of 14 eggs (all the others died... but one, it might still be alive) its PEEPING!!!! But, it's not pipping! Is this normal? Or am I just freaking out for nothing??? Thanks
Thankyou! I think I may end up sitting on my hands! I wish I had more patience!
It hatched! It's all black but with a yellow line on its head and a yellow belly and yellow tipped wings!
awwwe I'm very happy for you!! My bast batch didn't hatch... but I'm trying again.... sorry to put a question on you but why did the others die? Also what was your humidity?
Well, the humidity was really really low. Like 16-32% the whole time so I'm surprise the chick even hatched. But, other than that, I don't really know why the others died... And thank you!

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