I've started sewing....LOL

seismic wonder2

I got mad ninja skills
12 Years
Feb 3, 2007
san diego ca
It all started 4 years ago when DW mentioned that her sewing machine was old and didn't work right. Me, being the cool guy I am, Bought her a new one.
It sat unused for 4 years.
I needed a period 1890 costume a few months ago. To buy one costs nearly $200.00. SO...I figured I could sew my own, It can't be THAT difficult......right?
First I made a vest. not so great but I learned A LOT...
Then I made the pants. MUCH better. looks almost like store bought!

Finally I made the shirt....Made a few mistakes. had to re make the collar, and the shoulder seam sort of came undone in the wash and is fuzzy. But I claim that in 1890 work shirts had a few frayed ends etc...

Last week I made a hawaiian type shirt. it looks really good no one could tell it was hand made!!
Monday I started on a Civil war uniform. It's UNION uniform only because I think they look cool. I'm using heavy cotton blend instead of wool. Mainly because I don't like wool and it's bloody expencive.

4th of july weekend Mcall's patterns were on sale for $.99. I was in the store looking at the catalog and a crabby ole bat came up and asked, "Do YOU sew or are you just looking at the pictures?" DW said, "As a matter of fact YES he does...He made the shirt he's wearing right now." The ole bat gave me a thorough looking over and asked politely if I would be so kind as to let her use the book when I was finished
This week end Simplicity is on sale. I'm getting a pattern for "modern" pants and another type of shirt.

Tayloring is FUN....Who'd a thunk it?
Welcome to the wonderful world of sewing!

It is indeed a grand thing, and can be very relaxing to boot. You have chosen a very good time period to start with, and the Simplicity "period" patterns are relatively easy ones to master. I've been sewing for about 20 years or so, and have enjoyed every moment of it. There are a great number of sites online for Victorian/Edwardian patterns. I don't want to hijack your thread, and have no idea if you are interested....if so, feel free to drop me a PM. I always enjoy chatting with other costumers/tailors!
It's a SteamPunk thing. Victorian/Edwardian era today and futuristic weapons and things made with 1800's technology. Cool stuff.
I'm looking for pics
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