Ivermectin use in cats?



Broody Magician
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 3, 2009
New Jersey
I read in another post that Ivermectin is unsafe to use as a vermicide for cats. Does anyone have any information about this? I knlow that it has toxic affects in collies and collie crosses, but did not know about a problem with cats. During the winter a FERAL cat (as in wilder than the wild animals that frequent my backyard) took up residence beneath one of my pigeon lofts. She has since moved to a utility shed that she claims as home. She was in rough shape so I wormed her for tapeworms and then later I wormed her for roundworms with Ivermectin.
I actually used a dose 2 X what I use on my dogs. She now looks in great shape as she streaks to the security of her shed. I am hoping that she (calico so pretty positive as to her sex) is the result of a trap/spay/release program. My vet will not spay her after an experience with a feral spay that exposed him and his staff to rabies. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now, is Ivermectin toxic to cats?
I could see her tracks in the snow, but she did not come to greet me. Just now she was on the deck so I took some old cold cuts out to her. I put them in the food bowl, and it happened. She arched her back and rubbed against my hand.
I stood still, she repeated and I very gingerly petted her - she started purring. I am stoked.

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Well she is into her eighth spring/summer here. She wintered well, and is in beautiful condition for a feral of that age. On her own terms she has become an 'excessively' affectionate cat - rubbing against my legs and arching up as high as my knees. Everything is still on her terms, and she will flee if approached and must be the one to make initial contact, but she has become a very happy girl.
O.K. just did a google search. It appears that a very small percentage of cats (less than dogs) have a sensitivity and adverse reaction to Ivermectin. Other than that very small percentage of sensitive individuals, toxicity is not evidenced until dosage levels 20 X the therapeutic level or higher. I have to say that Scaredy Cat as she streaks to her security shed is looking good now a days.
"Scaredy Cat" continues to thrive. Last winter I thought that a coyote had trapped and caught her in the utility shed. The tableau was written in the fresh snow and she disappeared until this spring. She has gone through 2 springs/summers with no kittens so I feel fairly certain that she has been spayed. She will no longer enter the utility shed, and now sleeps in an old dog kennel that is quite coyote proof. She is in beautiful condition, but still remains more wild than the 'true' wild animals that frequent my backyard. Every night when I get done feeding dogs I fill her feed dish. After I enter the house she will come out of a large brush pile, venture to the house, and start eating. I watched her tonight as she ate - every 30 seconds or so she would stop, look around, twitch her ears and then resume eating. She is apparently an excellent mouser and has rid my flower beds of voles. I also see her patrolling my pigeon lofts in a search for rodents. The girl is earning her keep. Too bad she can't learn to trust me.
Yesterday was not a top ten day for me. Over the weekend a friend pulled a stupid stunt that impacted me, and I bear a grudge. I'll get over it, but ------- My mood and I went down to get the mail, and on the way back I was ambushed by Scaredy. I told her, "Scaredy, I'm not in a good mood." She wouldn't listen and redoubled her mewing, arching against my legs and making it impossible for me to walk. I laughed. Thanks, Scaredy.

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