

In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 31, 2014
Hi everyone I am new to BYC .. I have used your site many times for info but I just now made an account.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

You have come to the right place!!

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our flock!
Thank you.. he is a little turd.. His name is Harold the smallest one on the farm .. We have 4 roosters. One you see in the pic above and we have a white Plymouth Rock Young roo (not crowing yet), we have a HUGE RIR and the 4th one I am still not sure what kind he is. We just got him and his breeding hen (picture below ). We took him on from these people that were moving and didn't want to see him go to the cock fights.

We also have For Hens some really lovely ladies .. We have 4 Americauna hens , 2 Golden comets 2 black sex-links 2 leghorns , 2 RIR hens. . I feel like I am forgetting someone Oh yea Ms Eagle My daughters bird, she is a Fayomi
Yes. everyone gets along pretty good for the most part. they all have their own hens except the PR he is too young yet.. But I love them they are so fun . They each have different personalities..

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