Jewel Weed Soap Recipe!!!


Trying to hide
11 Years
Jul 19, 2008
The Ozarks of Arkansas
I was asked for this recipe so I thought I would post it for everyone who makes soap, or would like to "rebatch" their own. This is our old family recipe, that is truly time tested.

Basic Jewel Weed Soap
6 1/2 cups rendered fat (Lard, or Talow)
1/2 can Red Devil Lye
1/4 cup raw honey
2 Cup Goat Milk
1/2 cup Hot water
1/2 cup chopped jewel Weed (use the small leaves and tops)
Dissolve honey into hot water. Add milk, stir. Slowly add lye. Let stand until 75 degrees. Warm lard to 85 degrees, and pour a slow and steady stream into lye mixture. Stir constantly until it reaches consistency of honey. Add chopped Jewel Weed. Stir for 5 minutes at least. 20-30 stir time total.
Mold Set 24-48 hours
4-5 Week cure
Please, only use this recipe above, if you know how to make soap already. Soap making takes time, and lots of practice!!!

Rebatching Soap

This is very easy and simple for people who want their soap natural and with their additives.

Grate 8 bars of Ivory White Soap into a stainless steel pot. Add 1 cup milk (Goats Milk) to each pound of soap. Stir until mixed. Let sit for one hour. Place into 170 degree oven for one hour. Check and stir every 15 minutes. When mixture is smooth, add 1 cup chopped Jewel Weed. Pour into molds.
Age 4-5 Weeks
Good luck, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. I'll do my best to walk you through. Take Care,,,Tina
Hi skyfires,
Would you give some backgroung on Jewelweed Soap? I have never heard of the plant. What part of the country does it grow in and how is it used?
Things like that...Thanks
Jewel Weed in found just about everywhere here in the South. They say if you find stinging nettle, jewel weed is growing close by. The best thing to do is type in Jewel Weed on Google. They will show you the plant and flower. Good luck!!!
Is there a more basic recipe with just water, lye and jewelweed essential oil? If so please send recipe.

What size Lye container are you using in ounces or grams. I see on their web site they have it from 2 pounds and upwards to 5 pounds or 5 gallon containers.

Linda (diverven)

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