John Boy the Ruffian - the new Silkie boy in the gang!!


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
Wet Argyll, Scotland
Hi everyone, I thought you might like to see my new boy!! I have 12 hens including two silkies. Jimbob was my only rooster until today as I decided my silkie girls needed a man of their own!! Wee Mo my black silkie is a fiesty wee girl and had no problems in with the big hens but as I would like some more silkies I thought I may as well get them a man!! Constance my other silkie is busy sitting on 4 eggs (that are not hers, a mixure of marans, welsummer etc to be table birds this year) so she is won't be joining them for a while.
Jimbob wasn't too happy about the new man in the village

But John was quite excited about the prospect....I should have probably entered the silkie coop into the ugly coop contest!!

John Boy spots a gorgeous bird!

Wee Mo is wondering who this ruffian is, she is used to big men!! As you can see the big man is keeping an eye on things on the other side of the fence!!

John Boy on his own as Wee Mo wasn't impressed!! What colour would you call him???


The rest of the girls weren't very interested!!! Mairi-Anne having a bath!

Queenie, Jenny and Mairi-Ann having a gossip!


Poor scatter brain Henny Penny (who is meant to be a Welsummer, but she doesn't have yellow legs?) doesn't really know what to do or where to go, everyone keeps telling her to get out the way!!

Meg the Marans lays lovely brown eggs

The rest of the girls, Mrs KitKat, Eleanor, Mrs Chocolate and Dorcus didn't want to be photographed today!!
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Love the pics, so funny, I have a NHR that was stuck on the hot wire in the rain last week and couldnt figure out to get up and walk away....she was in the house for 2 days and is fine now, but her name is.....PENNY! ha ha!! Your coop wouldnt be allowed in the ugly coop contest, too nice, esp the pic of the silkie you have on there for them to look at,

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