Judging question about type


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
Dover, Ohio
i'll start out with saying... we dont breed chickens... we buy chicks and hatch eggs.. we are simply urban backyard chicken people.. no roosters.. so i cant improve what i already have...

however... im curious

the 11 year old DD took 2 chickens to show at the fair this year and they were judged yesterday... one got best in breed... not much competition though... but we like the pullet we sent and are proud of that.. its a delaware... now... we also took a buff orpington to show as well... and in the comment section the judge wrote "rock type" ... and the judge wrote that on several... now the pullet was a little young to take but we wanted the DD to get involved and have some fun...

can someone explain when talking about an orpington what the judge might have meant by writing "rock type" ?

thanks in advance
Orpingtons have one body cofiguration or "type", Rocks another. The judge was saying your bird looked more like a Rock than an Orpington.
Yep. Here's an example of what the judge meant. . . And this goes for ANY Orpington gotten from a hatchery, feedstore, or "breeder" who got their stock from such source.

What he called Rock Type. I call it production type.


True Orpington type.


(not my birds)
ok... so an orpington type is kinda more scrunched up with the tail coming closer to the head??? and the rock type is more elongated? and if your bird came from a hatchery its probably going to be more elongated in type? which rock type is more elongated?

is that what it boils down to?
If your bird came from a hatchery, I believe it is almost regardless of breed, it's gonna have what he calls Rock Type.

It isn't really the scrunched up part (that's mainly an English breeding trait) it's the extra fluff, much larger size, non-pinched tail, and more round looking body overall.
I'm a judge and I would not call that Orpington type. (last pic). It might be a Brit Orp type, but not an American Orp type. I would write on the card of the last bird..Cochin type. The pic in my avatar is a reasonable example of a APA SOP Orp.

The Orps have a deeper body than the Rocks, but the back line is not that much different.

Walt Leonard
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Here is a bigger pic of a true American type Orpington. The tail is a bit high in the pic, but everything else is very good.
Notice that it also does not have the loose feathering of the Orp pictured. The color is off because this is a scan of a very old picture. The color of the two above is the correct buff color.

Walt Leonard
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true rocks do not have that type either

for breeds like RIR, rocks, orpingtons, New Hampshires and most other heavy breed hatchery birds have the wrong body type when you get them in hatcheries.

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