July 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

I have 3 Silkie eggs on day 19 and some more on day 7... I have been so patient, but the last few days are killing me.
I love to hear about others' hatches and I am hoping it will distract me a bit!
I have 3 Silkie eggs on day 19 and some more on day 7... I have been so patient, but the last few days are killing me.
I love to hear about others' hatches and I am hoping it will distract me a bit!
Waiting is always so hard. But you will have cute fuzzy silkies in just a few days!
Hello :) mind if I join you? I built a still air incubator.. & received my hatching eggs today. I'm not expecting a huge success rate, my very first time incubating with equipment I built haha the odds may not be in my favor. ;)
One of the eggs had a detached air cell, so I am letting them rest overnight in the carton & I will set them in the A.M. if it is attached again by then.
I could only mark two or three air cells out of 16 eggs, so.. I will comb through "Hatching 101" & make some decisions tonight I guess about the ones I am not sure about..
I may have WAY too many questions. I'm sorry in advance lol
mind if I join you? I built a still air incubator.. & received my hatching eggs today. I'm not expecting a huge success rate, my very first time incubating with equipment I built haha the odds may not be in my favor.

One of the eggs had a detached air cell, so I am letting them rest overnight in the carton & I will set them in the A.M. if it is attached again by then.
I could only mark two or three air cells out of 16 eggs, so.. I will comb through "Hatching 101" & make some decisions tonight I guess about the ones I am not sure about..
I may have WAY too many questions. I'm sorry in advance lol

Welcome! The more, the merrier. Keep us posted, and don't forget pictures when you can.
mind if I join you? I built a still air incubator.. & received my hatching eggs today. I'm not expecting a huge success rate, my very first time incubating with equipment I built haha the odds may not be in my favor.

One of the eggs had a detached air cell, so I am letting them rest overnight in the carton & I will set them in the A.M. if it is attached again by then.
I could only mark two or three air cells out of 16 eggs, so.. I will comb through "Hatching 101" & make some decisions tonight I guess about the ones I am not sure about..
I may have WAY too many questions. I'm sorry in advance lol
Welcome! and ask away, someone may have an answer or have gone through same issue. All the best with your hatch.
Welcome!  The more, the merrier.  Keep us posted, and don't forget pictures when you can. :frow

I just tried to upload pics of the incubator. My phone gave up on it. :/ it isn't the best phone. It isn't a beautiful incubator or anything. It has a five year old helper paint job and lots and lots of sealant haha I do wish I could show it to you, though. I will keep trying.

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