jumbo cornish x rock hens

Was I spose to be sickened?? Not me, I was just thinking that you would be better off buying more of the cornishX and raising them as feed they have a much better food to weight ratio, if you go with RIR/ or most other duel purpose birds, you will put 10 time as much feed into them to get a bird half the size of the cornish. Plus you are looking at 20-24 weeks before they start to produce eggs, whick you could feed to dog, or hatch, in which case if you hatch you will have months to get those up to size worthy of feeding to the dogs, again waisting time feed and money.

1 shih-tzu dog, never mind if that is all your feeding the chickens to go ahead with the RIR, just dont let the dog around the roo or you may have a dog eaten by your chickens, then what will you do with all the chicks and eggs. its a chick eat dog world you know.
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o Ive got german shepherds too, so i guess i need to change that, huh? actually, i think ill got some leghorns and my plan is to raise them, keep them, continually raise chicks out of them up to feed to them, so i'm going to keep some laying stock
Leghorns are not a heavy breed, so even after 17-20 weeks when they start to lay, you have feed them for 20 weeks, and will only have a 3-4 lb bird.
Assuming you will feed your shepards 1 bird a day you will need to have 120 or more birds in the PIPELINE at all times do yo have the room to do that? I think if you do the math it would be cheaper to do the cornish X's and would get more for your $$
well, theres actually a raw meat and bone diet for dogs called the "barf" diet. it says not to feed poultry to them a lot so it may only be one a week. we're going to go up to the slaughter house and see if we can get free "leftovers" such as tripe. the birds will be mainly for eggs though, so i'm not too badly concerned with how big they will get. I'm going to get rid of all my other chickens exept for the white faced black spanish and the seramas and the buff oprington, and probably the black stars as their supposed to be my sisters even though i take care of them.

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