Jumbo Pekin vs Pekin






My 18 day old Jumbo Pekin girls from Metzer Farms. Itsy Bitsy, and Little Bit are their names. You can see this strain of Jumbo's that Metzer carries have nice thick stout legs to carry the extra bulk. These girls have so far received no additinal niacin, just what comes in the chick starter mix, I do have a couple of bottes of niacin pills from Walmart, but so far in 50 years of raising ducks, I have never once had a leg problem from niacin deficiency. But if I do, I have the niacin pills on hand. These girls can flat run a foot race, they were fast and artful little dodgers evading capture by the Duckmeister to get them back in their newly cleaned box!
They are my babysitters for the 10 day old Jumbo Pekin's shipping from Metzer's next week too. My breeding stock for my Jumbo Rouen Clair breeding experiment next year, the Jumbo Pekin hens mated to the Jumbo Rouen like my avatar, and the Jumbo Rouen hens mated to a Jumbo Pekin drake.
Do you have any current pictures?

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