jumpstart77 is joining


5 Years
Jul 20, 2014
Hello out there. I'm not only new to the chicken world, but almost to the computer world too. I have been reading some of the posts and they are interesting and helpful. For example; I have a new turkey, peachicks, and several new buff orrps in pen together. I was told recently that I can't feed them the same chick starter/grower as my chicks. I am not sure why and the discussion I was reading is that is a choice you make. At least that is what I received from the forum. I appreciate how welcoming you all seem to be. Thanks.
Michael gave you the links so you can post questions and directly ask turkey & peafowl people.

Good luck with your flock.

Chickens can carry "Black head," to turkeys but, only if that disease is already in your area.
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Thank you bunches. I also have some Buffs along with Lavender Orrps, Barred Rocks, RIRs. These are our largest groups. I have several Silkies, Polish and Frizzles. This group is the most fun. They are beautiful and fun to watch. They have started to crow and I get a huge kick out of the lil crow compaired to the big crow of a red or barred. We also have one lonely Silver Spangled Hamburg. Talk about mean - he has attacked me ever since we put him outside. We are looking to add some Brown Orrps and Black New Jersey Giants. We did do the Cornish Rock to go in the freezer. Not the kind we will do again so soon. Thank you bunches for the wish bird.
Yes I caught them and will be using them for sure. I had heard about the 'black head' and did a bit of research on it. Keeping one eye open all time. Thanks bunches.
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has a very useful learning center
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Turkeys require a very high protein feed of 24% to 26%. Not sure about Peas. So you might want to separate them for just this reason. If you feed regular chicken feed to Turkeys, they will not grow and flourish as they should on a lower protein feed. And you don't want to over feed too much protein to chicken hens either causing gout and other issues.

Good luck with your new flock and I hope they continue to bring you great joy!

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