June 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

I have 11 black sex link eggs due to hatch 6/6/15 and on 6/8/15 I'm setting 12 black copper marans eggs I got online and 13 more of my own black sex link eggs...the 11 that are due to hatch on the 6 are doing great and moving around the last time I candled them... tomorrow when I put them in lockdown I will candle them again
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Right now I got 11 black sex links from my own flock that are developing and should hatch out on 6/6/15.there from a 1 year old barred rock named BIG GIRL and a 5 month old Rhode island red named BIG BOY....this is my second hatch the first hatch I only did three eggs to test my incubator but only one hatched...one was not fertilized abd one died after developing a little ...the one that hatched was a rooster his name is gallito
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I'm hatching black sex links, rhode island reds, brown leghorns, brown leghorn rhode island red crosses, and rhode island red white leghorn crosses. I have nineteen of them that have made it so far. I started off with 23 but 2 were infertile and then 2 of them died. They're all due to hatch on the 6th.
So, today they are all out! I started these eggs in the May HatchALong, and they hatched (just barely!) in the June HatchALong.
Final count is:

4 Easter Eggers (from blue and green eggs in my flock--EE roo over EE hens)
2 Crested Cream Legbars (both are roos btw
, from my CLB flock)
7 Exchequer Leghorns (shipped eggs)

Happy little balls of fluff in the brooder, and all very friendly.
I am also at day 7 in my still air Little Giant incubator with:

12 Crested Cream Legbar eggs
24 Blue Easter Egger eggs
5 Brown Easter Egger eggs (EE roo over Black Australorps, one Silver Laced Wyandotte and one Barred Rock---I think they are all Rock eggs).

Candling tonight.
I am also at day 7 in my still air Little Giant incubator with:

12 Crested Cream Legbar eggs
24 Blue Easter Egger eggs
5 Brown Easter Egger eggs (EE roo over Black Australorps, one Silver Laced Wyandotte and one Barred Rock---I think they are all Rock eggs).

Candling tonight. ;)  


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