June Hatch-A-Long

Serenity Lane

Mar 21, 2013
New York
Hi Everybody! I haven't hatched chicks since my batch last summer. Today I set 48 mixed eggs in my incubator, expected hatch date is 6/1/14.
Here's my story.. Last night I came home from work and went out to check on my animals. There were no chickens to be found. There were some feathers outside the coop so I knew that something had gotten to them. I was hoping that some of my flock were just hiding but that wasn't the case. My fiancé walked back to where the foxes den is on the back of our property and he found the bodies of my lavender Orpington and my mixed rooster in the tunnel leading to the fox den. I'm sure the foxes got all 16 of my outside chickens. My only chicken left is Fred, my silver sebright who lost his feet to frostbite this past winter so he lives in my house.
This morning when I accepted the fact that my chickens are gone, I decided to set some eggs from my gang. I got a bit overzealous and set 48 eggs, as many as my incubator will hold. My last hatch rate was 100% with about 25% being roos. While I'd like a decent hatch, I don't need 48 chickens! I set eggs that were collected in the past week so I'm not sure if my hatch rate will be quite as high as last time.
And the countdown begins.. HERE WE GO!!
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Ill hatch with you! Im sorry about your flock :( I hope your able to completely replace them with this hatch! I just set 8 eggs from my flock yesterday due to hatch june 2nd :) they are my EE roo over my RIR BR and 2 Delawares :) this is my first time hatching from my own flock
No, these eggs weren't in the refrigerator. They were in 2 bowls on my counter. I almost put them in cartons, then the fridge, but luckily I hadn't yet.

My rooster was out of a red star hen covered by a big white silkie roo. He was a decent size. I had 15 hens so I'm not sure who laid some of the eggs. I know I set 12 eggs from my EE, and 12 eggs from a red star. The other 24 eggs I set could be from a lavender Orpington, silver laced Wyandotte, golden laced Wyandotte, white silkie, blue cochin bantam, or a leghorn/silkie mix. I had 15 hens and was getting 12-15 eggs a day so they were laying really well, hopefully they pass that on to the chicks. It's exciting. I have no idea what any of the chicks will look like or lay like since they're all mixes. I can't wait to find out!

I'm thinking I set too many eggs. There's really NO extra room in my incubator. I'm kinda counting on a few not developing so there's enough room for the others to hatch. If not I'll have to figure something else out. Last time I hatched 30 something chicks in there with no issues so I might be okay. I don't know what I'll do it all 48 hatch.. Lol
I'll join! I have 19 Indian Runner duck eggs, 1 White Call duck egg, 4 Muscovy duck eggs, and 4 Canada Goose eggs due to hatch in June! I'm so excited! Can't wait for all these fuzz butts
I just dropped off 28 Ameraucana eggs at the local school! I won't be as immersed in their progress so I will just follow along here if that is ok. :)
No, these eggs weren't in the refrigerator. They were in 2 bowls on my counter. I almost put them in cartons, then the fridge, but luckily I hadn't yet.

My rooster was out of a red star hen covered by a big white silkie roo. He was a decent size. I had 15 hens so I'm not sure who laid some of the eggs. I know I set 12 eggs from my EE, and 12 eggs from a red star. The other 24 eggs I set could be from a lavender Orpington, silver laced Wyandotte, golden laced Wyandotte, white silkie, blue cochin bantam, or a leghorn/silkie mix. I had 15 hens and was getting 12-15 eggs a day so they were laying really well, hopefully they pass that on to the chicks. It's exciting. I have no idea what any of the chicks will look like or lay like since they're all mixes. I can't wait to find out!

I'm thinking I set too many eggs. There's really NO extra room in my incubator. I'm kinda counting on a few not developing so there's enough room for the others to hatch. If not I'll have to figure something else out. Last time I hatched 30 something chicks in there with no issues so I might be okay. I don't know what I'll do it all 48 hatch.. Lol

We will both be hatching out some mixes then! Im sure with 48 eggs some will probably be infertile. But also when they start hatching maybe you can quick pull some out as they are drying to make room. Do you have a turner?
Well I might be a little late but I'll join this hatch along! I have 5 silkies in my brinsea that should hatch tomorrow. However, I just ordered 12 assorted bantam eggs from gabbard farms, and I plan to set those next week.this will be my third hatch since I started in march, I am addicted!

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