Jungle Fowl Thread!!!!!!!!!!!

My RJFs; Tarzan and his girls Jane and Penny. Or that's what they were sold to me as; my first chickens ever. They're still fairly young at only about 7 months, but one of the two hens is currently sitting on a clutch of 8 eggs. They are fairly flightly, but they don't have enough space to actually fly, but can flutter around their pen a bit. They're in a chicken tractor on my lawn, and I think they could be very friendly birds if I spent the time with them.
very pretty
Pretty birds! You'll have to post pics of the chicks

How do you keep them warm in Canada? or is it pretty warm where your at?
It's actually quite warm here in the summers, up to 35C and sometimes with terrible humidex. So my birds are doing well in the summer weather; they definitely spend less time panting and guzzling water than my bantams or my mother's meat birds. It'll be winter that'll really put them to the test.
Got a more recent pic of RJF roo. My hens are going through their first molt right now and not looking so hot, but Tarzan has really filled out and matured since I took those last pictures. Were it not for the fact that I hate the idea of dubbing and cropping, I think I'd show him. Here is what he looks like today...click to enlarge photos.

Wow he really is beautiful!
Theres something like a classic red rooster that really makes me melt

He really has grown out! Was his comb flopped in the other picture because he had his head tilted or was it lack of sunlight or something else?

I really like him! haha
It might've been the angle of the last picture. I'd really hate to dub his comb for show, cause it looks so darn good. Haha. And even with the temperature dropping he and his girls are doing quite well in their tractor still; we've had frost and everything. Very pleased with these guys; they're proving to be even hardier than expected.
I believe the same rules that apply to OEGs apply to RJFs; cocks over a year old need to be dubbed. At least, I believe that's the deal with them. I wish it was optional; I mean, there is a certain amount of tradition behind it, but it's the tradition of cock-fighting that it goes back to. Why would we want to stick to something like that? If I have to dub a bird, I won't show it, no matter how good of quality it is.
Jungle fowl aren't in the Standard so there are no criteria for showing them. Specifically they do not need to be dubbed. In point of fact they are rarely shown at all.
Speaking of RJF, here's a photo of a wild RJF in Vietnam. the picture was taken literally in the middle of nowhere, miles and miles away from civilization, so I can make sure this is the pure one. Sorry for the crappy photo though, this was the closest I could get, they're just very, very flighty! -____-

Here's a photo of a wild RJF hen

This is where I fould them:

We can even spot green peafowl there: notice the tail of the male one in the thick bushes :(

in general, I notice RJF in Southern Vietnam always have white earlobes, small body, and bright red colour on the back.
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