Jungle Fowl

Can anyone help me discern what color eggs and they lay rate of the two complete black "junglefowl" I bought from the Feed Store, will lay?
Can anyone help me discern what color eggs and they lay rate of the two complete black "junglefowl" I bought from the Feed Store, will lay?

If you got them from a feed store, they wouldn't be jf. The color of the eggs is rather difficult to determine unless you already know but I'm going to make a guess that it's a buff or brownish color. Egg lay rate...depends on the chicken.
Question on genetics and breeding which I have a nack for but never tried hybrids but from what I can understand most common pheasant x chickens are fertile but only male guini x chickens are fertile so could I breed a M F1 chicken x guini to a F F1 pheasant x chicken?
I have made some tetra-hybrids in my time involving fish with similar directionality issues. Fertility reduction in both parents greatly confounds production of viable second generation animals. I made mine without real purpose and could realize no value in products of effort. What is your interest in such?
A few reasons genetic diversity hardyness a new look and curiousity to see if it can be done I've done many things simular with guppies, mice, rat snakes and south american chiclids aswell as bred apbts for conformation and weight pull
Suspect you will see a decline in hardiness since bird crosses proposed are at species level. Species crossed are not even sibling which contrasts with your previous efforts where much was probay within a species.
Quote: Explain what you mean by inbreeding and outcrossing. I do such for a living. Your immediate efforts involve outcrossing to an extreme. So extreme you are likely to see outbreeding depression. The linebreeding part is where clarification is needed. You might also do better by not resorting to use of a tetrahybrid, rather use your current fertile hybrids and breed the back into your chickens to create F1 backcrosses. That would likely improve viability and fertility relative to your proposed tetrahybrid. You may need to repeat backcross to make F2s to get acceptable fertility before engaging in actual selection and crossing the to hybrid lines.
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By Line breeding I mean if need be taking the product of the higher possible fertility rate of a chicken outcross back to the fertile f1 or grand parent species with higher chance of producing fertile young like the pheasant its all hypothetical ofcourse but I'm naturally good at understanding such things and don't know why lol
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