Just a concern, please help?


Mar 21, 2023
I have 3 eggs pipping 3 days early ( 1 silkie and 2 zombies) and one of the eggs is pipping at the wrong end, I have hatched my fair share of chicks and ducks but this is my first time seeing one pipping the wrong end. Question is when should I help or if I should help? It has pipped all the way through and I can see it's beak moving. TIA!!
I have 3 eggs pipping 3 days early ( 1 silkie and 2 zombies) and one of the eggs is pipping at the wrong end, I have hatched my fair share of chicks and ducks but this is my first time seeing one pipping the wrong end. Question is when should I help or if I should help? It has pipped all the way through and I can see it's beak moving. TIA!!
Bantams can hatch a little early
For the wrong end baby you shouldn’t have to help as it did make its pip on its own
Usually the ones that need assisting are bruised in wrong end as the can’t break the shell
Wrong ends take longer to fully hatch as they skip the air cell stage so that time needs to be added onto his external pip
I’m not sure time on chicks but on ducks it’s 24-48 hours with a normal hatch and 48-72 with wrong ends
If after the time has passed and baby hadn’t made any progress then you could start to assist

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