Just an FYI...

You will do just wonderful Lothiriel. I am a hernia patient. Although im not fat old or 70. I was born with them and ive had a few surgeries over the years. lol. Best wishes to you.
You'll do just fine. I've had both sides done on seperate occasions. Be careful not to over do post surgically. My biggest problem was adhering to the recommendations regarding lifting. Not a fat old man here- just an old man:lol:. Doctor said I should be the poster boy for hernia repair.
Hello everyone.
Here's an update. My mom sent all this to our church, so I'll quote it. Thank you all for praying. I'm feeling great!

Hello everyone,

We want to thank you all for keeping Heather in your prayers. The short praise is that she is doing great and the Lord provided just what she needed. For those who want more details keep reading.

First Heather approached this surgery with an eager attitude but when we were finally taken into the surgery prep room at 7:45AM Fri morning reality set in and the tears began to flow. All of a sudden things began to happen, lots of people in and out, lots of questions and details. The nurse was nice but had trouble with the IV. I noticed that despite the tears Heather had suddenly gone very pale. The IV was causing a lot of pain. The nurse took it out and said that she would get someone else to try it and that she would leave Heather alone for a bit. During our brief respite I prayed aloud. About a minute later in walks a male nurse. My first thought was, oh no, now Heather will start feeling embarrassed on top of everything else. Well, that guy was just what she needed! He started talking to her about the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems (stuff she’s been learning about in science so she understood every word he said!) and joking with her too. I could see her calm down – I mean it was visible! And she even laughed. Plus he got the IV in with no problems! We praise God for sending along just the right person! After that things went smoothly. The double hernia surgery went well. One hernia sac was about the size of a small egg so we are thankful to have it taken care of. Friday evening and Saturday were a bit difficult (pain and nausea) but she has improved every day. She is walking, and even felt well enough to tackle some school work yesterday! So we praise God for His provision and for your prayers. Thank You!​
Please take care and get all the rest you can. Don't let the doc rush you, good time to read up on what's new in the BackYard Poultry magazine.

Wishing you well

Happy to hear things went well. when your mom mentioned in her note about tears flowing it reminded me of me -- I always cry. Nerves whatever, I cry at the drop of a hate.

So thankful for you to have such a great nurse to take care of you. Speedy recovery.

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