Just brought home my laying hens yesterday. When should I see egg production?? In so exited!


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 10, 2013
Joplin Mo
Could the stress of the move cause then to hold off? When should I see eggs? Any suggestion? I gave them sunflower seeds (de-shelled) yoghurt, and Oats and some grower feed until I get to the store for layer pellets. I added a but of protein packed quinoa to the mix too. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated! I'm a new chicken/ chick/ pullet owner so I've hit the ground running!
Usually after a move chickens will stop laying for about a week.
Sometimes longer; sometimes shorter.
They go through a little stress.
Once they settle in and are comfortable with their surroundings, they'll lay for you.
What breed(s) did you get??
Usually after a move chickens will stop laying for about a week.
Sometimes longer; sometimes shorter.
They go through a little stress.
Once they settle in and are comfortable with their surroundings, they'll lay for you.
What breed(s) did you get??
Dont you mean "EGGcited"?
I got my first laying hen (NN) and it has been 4 days and she has yet to lay. :( I keep singing to her and after feeding her tons of superworms I think she finally likes me. I am EGGcited and I can't wait to find that first egg!!
Here is Bertha. Maybe I should change it to Birtha? ;)
Chickens lay when they are ready to lay. If they were already laying it will resume eventually but stress is everything, sometimes molting will halt production. I would just make sure your chicken has a nice little place to lay eggs. My layers prefer lots of hay with a couple of golf balls and darkened to lay their eggs. They get quite perturbed if I open the nestbox whilst they sit. I guess it would be similar to walking in on someone in the bathroom unexpectedly. I have had some chickens not care if the barn cats are sitting next to them while they lay. Some announce the laying with lots of loud noises and others never utter a peep.

We had one chicken lay an egg in the St. John's Cathedral during communion - St. Francis Day blessing of the animals - of course I messed up the time and the service to bless the animals was the earlier one so it was just my chicken and a box of kittens. Imagine my embarassment when she began to announce the egg! Dean Kate was lovely about it and it was devine-ly timed just as the priest was raising the bread to break it. I do think God has a sense of humor and since Curls chose that exact Moment to lay that egg....who was I to tell her what to do. So I guess she was not feeling stressed and she sort of seem to love the music too!

Have fun with your chickens! Enjoy the eggs.

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[COLOR=000033]Usually after a move chickens will stop laying for about a week.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000033]Sometimes longer; sometimes shorter.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000033]They go through a little stress.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000033]Once they settle in and are comfortable with their surroundings, they'll lay for you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=000033]What breed(s) did you get??[/COLOR]

My two who are of laying age are barred rocks, and my 4-5 month olds are ostralorp. I have 3 babies who are Easter eggers.
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Chickens lay when they are ready to lay.  If they were already laying it will resume eventually but stress is everything, sometimes molting will halt production. I would just make sure your chicken has a nice little place to lay eggs.  My layers prefer lots of hay with a couple of golf balls and darkened to lay their eggs.  They get quite perturbed if I open the nestbox whilst they sit.  I guess it would be similar to walking in on someone in the bathroom unexpectedly.  I have had some chickens not care if the barn cats are sitting next to them while they lay.  Some announce the laying with lots of loud noises and others never utter a peep.

We had one chicken lay an egg in the St. John's Cathedral during communion - St. Francis Day blessing of the animals - of course I messed up the time and the service to bless the animals was the earlier one so it was just my chicken and a box of kittens.  Imagine my embarassment when she began to announce the egg!  Dean Kate was lovely about it and it was devine-ly timed just as the priest was raising the bread to break it.  I do think God has a sense of humor and since Curls chose that exact Moment to lay that egg....who was I to tell her what to do.  So I guess she was not feeling stressed and she sort of seem to love the music too!

Have fun with your chickens!  Enjoy the eggs.

checked my laying basket and guess what I found?!!!!!

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