Just Built a 4x10 mobile stagecoach


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
After just completing my tractor, I stumbled upon this forum. I did a search to see if anyone has built one, but only came up with modified designs. If anyone has built one and is currently using it (I will be getting chic's in a couple of weeks) I would like to know the pros and cons of it. After building it, the coop seemed small and the specs say it can hold ten chickens, but that doesn't seem feasible. There seems to be not enough room. Was wondering some thoughts on this. . .Thanks!
The pictures on the link that kind person put up is the one I built. Thanks for your replies.
I will try to upload mine this weekend. On the pic in the previous link, does there seem like enough roosting space? Thanks.
That would be inside space, though, right? Outside space for 10 birds should be about 10 times 10 square feet = 100 square feet. The stagecoach designs I've seen are combo coop/runs, so 40 square feet of run for 10 birds seems a tad cramped to me.
That's is what I thought. Only two perches; wouldn't know how ten chickens would fit. Does anybody own one? How many do you have?
About perch space, I think the usual rule of thumb for standard chickens is to leave about a foot of perch width per bird, although you'll not be sorry to have more in case of flock squabbles.

These stagecoach tractors seem to me more like they would work for three possibly four chickens, but not more than that. But I tend to be very sensitive on the issue of overcrowding chickens.
I order the stagecoach plans and built one. I have not used power tools in the past, but my spouse wanted nothing to do with the chicken adventure. I too was concerned about the size of the coop, so I enlarged it and made the coop part 4x4 instead of 2x2. I have 7 7 week old chicks that have been in it for two weeks now. So when I build mine I enlarged the trap door and have it facing toward the back to clean out the coop. I'm trying the DLM. I cut a hole in the mid panel for the pop door and have a ramp. I think the ramp takes to much floor space from the girls, so I'm planning on have a roost 2 feet off the ground for them to access the pop hole/coop. I added a pullet-shut automatic door and love it! The solar panel and tool box with a battery in are for the door. I build the automatic waterer and feeder in the plans and they are working well. I think the feeder is a iittle tall for some of the girls so have a rock under it until they grow. I have a radiant panel heater in the coop part with a brooder light to.

So here are the first pictures of the chicks and tractor!




It has been snowing for 3 day's now. Right before it snowed I filled areas around the hoops where my cuts left gaps. The coop is 65 degrees in it with the pop door open and the temp out side is 35. I think I can pull the blanket now I have filled the gaps, but will wait for it to stop snowing. I plan to cut holes in the coop for ventilation if it ever warms up again.

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