Just delivered first baby! Photos today!


10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
Ridgefield, WA
I delivered my first llama cria a few hours ago!! So scary and exciting. I am here all by myself since my DH is on the road until May 1st. And the baby wasn't due for another week so I was not quite prepared. I did have an alpaca owner friend on the phone helping with advice after the cria was actually born.
Everything went pretty okay. I gently pulled her out because she was in the canal for so long and I was concerned about her not being able to take a deep breath. But she's breathing fine and on her feet. Had a bit of a challenge getting her dried off and body temp up to normal. They are normally born in the morning but she was born around 6 pm. And she's having trouble nursing and I don't think the dam has much milk so we may have to do some colostrum supplement in the morning. Plus the dam hasn't passed her placenta yet. Looks like she's tired and uncomfortable. Poor thing. If it doesn't pass by morning we'll get an injection that'll help her out.
I'm exhausted so will add photos tomorrow.

One down...and now I have 8 alpaca cria due between June & September. I'll be a pro by the end of the year.

Happy Birthday Josefina!!!
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I can't wait to see pictures!! Get some sleep!!!
It's 3 am. Woke up and imangined that baby stuck under the hay trough and hungry, so I went down to the barn to check things out. All looks good. Got her to nurse for a few minutes and the dam had delivered her placenta at 11:30 before I went to bed so that issue is resolved too. I think we are gonna be fine! Yay!

Gotta go get some more sleep. ZZZZZZ
Okay, not the best, but here's the photos I promised.

Josefina 18 hours old:

29.6 lbs of legs & neck

This one shows her pretty coloring

Mom & baby are doing well. I'm a wreck. Sooooo tired.
I am actually an alpaca farmer. The alpacas are bred & sold. And I use their fiber to make luscious yarn. Either mill processed or hand spun.
With the new little edition we have 4 llamas. The 3 adults were all sorta rescue animals. Just needed to find a new home. So they are just pets. Although the 2 other llamas (not the new mom) will probably be trained to be packers. My DH really wants to get into packing. Between the 2 llamas, they would be able to pack about 200lbs of camping gear.
Here are photos of the packers.

Hanna & her son Chance



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