Just diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

Chick named Lola

9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
I haven't been on one of my favorite boards lately, been a bit preoccupied. I had two surgeries last month and luckily only had to do a lumpectomy. It was small, grade 1 and didn't spread to my lymph nodes. God is so good. I just knew from git go that this was going to be ok, that God was in control of this storm. He was. I prayed and I prayed. I laid this disease at His feet and told Him to take control. He did.

I see the oncologist for the first time next week to get the full diagnosis, (what stage it is), prognosis and treatment.

Please keep me in your prayers fellow chicken folks.

Thank you so much.
be strong and we will be thinking of you

i dont know what its like but i know how it feels from the outside looking in

my mum was diagnosed with Type1 and there are fears its come back

and my sister si currently under treatment for type2

good luck with your treatment and hope all is well

There is a cancer support thread on here... you might want to check it out. Sadly there are several other great folks over there that are going through their own battle along with you. :hugs
I had a lumpectomy two years ago, for a very small cancer. No lymph nodes were involved. I had 15 rounds of radiotherapy, and have to take tamoxifen for 5 years. So far, so good. It is important to remember that it is very treatable these days, and I had an aunt survive 47 years after a mastectomy, and her daughter is 12 years past a lumpectomy. Think positive, I feel sure all will be well!

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