Just found cockroaches the size of hamsters in my coop. HELLLPPP!!!!!

Welcome to Florida.

And sand won't work, I'm afraid. I have an open coop and it turns into a soupy mess pretty quickly.

You can consider yourself a Floridian after a Palmetto bug the size of a bat flies at your head and gets tangled in your hair. (And FYI Palmetto bugs are the huuuuuuge flying roaches)
Ugh! Double Ugh!

Another reason to never leave Western Washington again.

Just a thought- Do those roaches hate light like the german cockroaches that infest cities do? If so maybe a light.

OMG - I was afraid if I opened your thread there would be pics.
Anyway, I've heard Orange Guard works on roaches:

LOLOL Pics. LOLOL. Pics.

That would require me standing still enough to take a photo, then uploading the photo on my computer than then LOOKING at that photo on my computer - none of which is possible without me passing out. One of the reasons that I haven't googled this problem is that there is a huge chance that the page I google could have roach pictures and then I'll start squirming again.

Will buy orange guard and cucumbers tomorrow. Sounds delicious. I assume orange guard is safe around chickens - the website said safe around pets.... I'm assuming if a chicken eats an orange-coated roach, it won't poison her????
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LOL... I grew up in Florida and you must have Palmetto Bugs in your coop...

Don't know how to get rid of them, but you made my day.... ahhh childhood memories.

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