Just found cockroaches the size of hamsters in my coop. HELLLPPP!!!!!

OMG! I am laughing so hard. So nice to know there are fellow bug haters out there. I personally think that something that big, with more legs than me who can outrun me is just wrong! One look at those and my poor chickens would have been on their own!You should see me when the sun spiders get in the building at work! Someone told "you scream like a girl: I told "yup, that's cuz I am a girl"

I sprinkle DE in my bedding whenever I change it out (daily). Not too much, though, ad you don't want the chickens to inhale it. Since starting I haven't seen spiders or anything...
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I'm mystified; anything that walks, crawls, or flies near my chickens gets eaten. Worms get dug out of the ground, coop litter gets tuned over, the chickens even hop-fly up into the mulberry trees to eat mulberries and the bugs there. You risk your toes if you wear sandals. How can a cockroach live for more then 3 seconds?
here in Oregon we don't have roaches outside of filthy apartment buildings, thank GOD! But a few years ago we got this big crate in from Florida and when our warehouse guys pried the side off to open it hundreds of dead GIGANTIC roaches poured out of the packing material. Of 4 warehouse guys three screamed like girls and ran, the forth was Laotian and grabbed a double handful of dead bugs to start chasing them with. He was laughign so hard he couldn't chase them for long, but he had fun for a long time leaving one of those nasty things where it would scare someone.

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