Just found cockroaches the size of hamsters in my coop. HELLLPPP!!!!!

One more thing I would like to also add. Anything pine (pine shavings, pine wood, and yes, even PineSol--anything with pine OIL in it) draws palmetto bugs and roaches. Using something other than pine shavings in the coop will also keep from attracting them into the coop.

I haaaaaaaaaaate palmetto bugs. They are the #1 primary reason I will NOT move back to Louisiana. I can put up with the humidity, the crummy roads (worst, most poorly maintained roads I've encountered in the U.S. are in Louisiana, though admittedly I have not visited all 50 states), even the hurricanes and crazy weather better than I can put up with the cockroaches. They were almost as big as the palm of my hand. I hate it when you step on something to kill it, and it goes splat *AND* crunch, and you see its guts squish out from under the sides of your foot, so you lift your foot & the little booger still runs off. That's just ... scary. That's technology the military could use.
Look up palmetto bugs. They are big, brown roaches that fly, get into your hair, walk right up to you and ask you what's for supper. And forget about them scattering when the lights come on. They really don't care. They're like... "Oh... look, someone turned on a light, how nice."
WOW, sounds like a bad infestion! I live in west central FL and I see half dollar size roaches once in awhile. We have two oak trees in our yard and my DH sprays the back and front yard with spectricide monthly for pests. I bug bomb the garage and keep hand held spray near by...always! In my coop against our house, it's rare to see a roach but my chickens eat every one they can find and then my outdoor cats love to play with roaches to death! I love that they kiil them and I find the dead bodies and feed them to the chickens. Good Luck with your problem!
why is everyone so scared, and into killoing bugs anyway, you kinda asked for it living in the deep south, go live way up north in an ice cave! people wonder why all the natural species are dying, as everyone throws poision everywere for a few bugs.. i just leave the few, they find no food, tell the others and they stop coming around for quite a while. my bantam chickens even, but mostly my games will tear the collossus roaches i have apart, and the colossus are the size of rats (couse they might be hybridized)!
Only problem is those folks in FL would needs to used 55 gallon drums

Thankful for -60 degrees in the winter - we just have things like spruce beatles and mosquitos .... and moose.... and wolves...and grizz???
Look up palmetto bugs. They are big, brown roaches that fly, get into your hair, walk right up to you and ask you what's for supper. And forget about them scattering when the lights come on. They really don't care. They're like... "Oh... look, someone turned on a light, how nice."

Wonder if they could be trained to pull a sled ??? PETA would probably scream about that too, cruelty to cockroaches ads would be everywhere
I can't believe I went without my computer (well internet access - grrrrrr) for a few days and I missed this thread and gems like this.


I'll admit to having a hard time reading everyone's awesome responses because I get a serious case of the heebie-jeebies.

And I am going to award this the GROSSEST THREAD EVER AWARD

And I'm going to leave you with a true story... I wouldn't have done this but someone decided to post a picture of one of those big madagascar roaches and I saw it and now I won't sleep tonight so this is my relatiation.

When I was in high school (eons ago) my BFF's friend (a girl I was also aquaintances with) missed a day of school. When we found out why it changed my life. She was sleeping - she woke up when she felt something in her ear. She tried to get it out, but she only pulled off two back legs. Turns out a big roach had crawled into her ear when she was asleep and had become stuck deep in her ear canal. Apparently roaches legs are constructed in such a way that they cannot back up so it just kept squirming forward and forward and forward. She wigged out so much that her mom drove her to the ER at like 2 a.m. and they had to sedate her because she was in full out Linda Blair freak-out mode and then pull the thing out of her ear and squish it. I literally spent my junior and senior years of HS sleeping with cotton in my ears, thankyouverymuch.

So for any of you who don't think roaches are a big deal, please refer back to that story. Shudder.

And if you are surprised that my chickens don't eat them - I found them under the bedding when I was cleaning out the coop, and like a previous poster said, roaches are hidden during the day and active at night, which is the opposite of my chickens.

And finally - thank you to all of you who get wigged out by them too - misery loves company LOL

And thank you to all of you who had suggestions as to how to exterminate the buggers. I'm still afraid to use poison incase a drugged roach wanders lazily out in the daytime and one of my girls eats him and dies...

I'm going to go back to shuddering................and put some cotton in my ears.



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