Just got a purple egg from my Corturnix quail!! Is this common?!?


7 Years
Jul 8, 2012
Hello everyone!
I have a dozen quail of various coloring and I have been getting about two eggs a day of standard color. Then, all of the sudden today I got two new eggs! A pure green one & a true purple egg with dark purple spots!!! I also received my other two usual eggs, so I know these are definitely new eggs. I am just wondering, after no Google success, is this egg a rare sight in the quail world? And I am going to hatch it as soon as possible, so is there a high chance that the egg color gene of purple will pass off to the chicks?
Thanks for your help!
No I haven't gotten any white at all... although who knows what I'll get now! I thought purple was so unusual!
I get purple eggs all the time. Purple, pink, orange, once a deep burgundy, brown, white, mint green, etc. We have some serious rainbow layers.
The chick hatched from the purple egg could carry a gene to produce colored eggs, yes.
Their are white egg laying Coturnix, a man named Perry Schofield breeds them as well as blue egg layers. The white egg is pretty good, which you can breed and concentrate into a white egger gene after a few tricky generations of breeding. How ever the other one is a no go. Its just caused from the type of food and vitamins that your bird has been getting and you could breed a bird to lay those. It is nice tog et different looking eggs every once in a while isnt it though!

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