Just got our first baby chick! Now what????


Jul 8, 2015
Morning everyone!

We've had layers for over a year, and have raised meat birds, so we have some experience, but this is new. When I told a friend of ours that I have a silkie mom who just sits on eggs all day long, she suggested I leave some there for her to hatch. Well it worked! This morning I go into the barn to do chores and low and behold I hear a little chick chirping! I was so excited! I ran and got the kids right away! I can't believe I was so excited about one little chick!

Anyhow, now what? The mom has always taken up this corner in the coop under a shelf. She's pretty tucked away, but still open to the other hens and our rooster. So, should I worry about the chick? She's a really good mom. Right away when I put food down she was showing the chick how to eat and drink water. Now, right away the other hens went to eat the food I'd put down for the chick even though they have their own layer feed. So here are my questions:

1. should I separate the mom and chick from the rest of the flock? Or should I just let them be? Another note, there is still an un-hatched egg under mom. Should hatch in a couple days I think.
2. what should I feed the chick, and should I keep the food for the chick separate from the food for the mom?
3. If so, then how do I do that?
4. do I have to give the chick medicated chick feed? or can it be natural, like a scratch mixture of crushed corn. oats and barley?

All the hens are let out all day rain or shine and are free range, and I give them some layer feed in their buckets at night when they come in.

The rooster is calm and a really great guy, so I don't think he would harm the chick.

Thanks for any and all help!

Greatly appreciated!

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