just got some chickens...

closer look last night when i got home, first time i really got to look at them since i got the new ones. i agree with you on the BSL. Sure enough on the EE he's got spurs....ahh well thought i was grabbing a hen on him, maybe i got birds crossed when i finally got this one cornered and thought it was a different one. he's a gorgeous bird, do they actually crow? he wandered around the coop last night "growling" and let out a screeching bark when the big guy was crowing.
Well you could be really lucky and he could have damaged vocal cords , but that's not very likely so he will probably crow. Both of my roosters waited until 8 months to crow. Maybe it's because there in a new place? Not sure, but he most likely will crow.

Oh and don't feel bad about accidentally taking the rooster I've done the same thing TWICE :rolleyes:
i actually like him quite a bit. I do have a little problem though, i don't really want 2 roosters and my son likes the big guy and wife and i like this little guy. we'll sort it out in the future though and give them both good homes until we decide. Maybe once i get the run done and the weather warms up a bit more and they can scratch around the yard they'll both fit well.
Yes if they're not getting along I would seperate if they cant get away from each other. I free range so my subordinate roo can run away from the big guy or else I could see a lot of feathers being pulled out. They were even raised from hatching with each other.

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