just hatched duckling with a twisted foot


10 Years
Nov 22, 2009
Western NC
It's like the foot is turned around backwards or it bends back at the joint. Obviously he doesn't walk very well and spends a lot of time on his back flailing around trying to turn over. Is this something that can be fixed or will straighten out on it's own? Or is it a fatal flaw and I need to humanely put him down?

I would say that it needs to be humamely put down. Sorry, this is not something that gets better.
I think I would wait it out a bit. I have heard and seen ducks with malformed feet that adapted pretty well and thrived. Pics would help
It's moot now. Poor little thing didn't make it through the night.

Thanks for the advise. I guess he just wasn't meant to be.
I have a RIR chick that was born with a 'gimpy' foot like that and she is doing great, kinda funny when she tries to scratch her head and she rolls on her back peeping like a mad hen ... lol

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