****just injured**** 12 week old chick.


May 3, 2020
SW Michigan
If anyone can help....One of my 5 girls sustained an injury and I’m not sure what to do.
I didn’t see the actual injury, but the girls sleep in my garage at night and they almost always huddle together when they sleep. I left for about 20 minutes and came back and there was a fan on the ground that is usually up on a table and one bird in the corner alone. When I picked her up, she didn’t flap and when she tried to walk she couldn’t hold any balance at all.
I have her inside and she is standing in one place and will not sit/or lie down. And give a wimper type cry that is very faint. Any thoughts on what I can do?
She’s very calm in my arms right and ate some of her food mixed w yogurt. Keeps panting. I’m going to keep her inside tonight to keep an eye on her.
I’m feeling around her body and she is allowing it w no clear indications of pain
Her one leg is pretty unstable. It appears she whimpers when I touch the portion of her leg that the feathering begins. I’ll keep her inside tonight. Thanks for your thoughtfulness. Have a nice evening.
It's good that she will eat a bit.
The panting may be from pain, shock or being frightened - hard to know.
I agree, I would keep her quiet tonight and see how she is in the morning.
The leg being unstable and her having tenderness - she may have a break, but let's hope it's bruised.
Keep us posted on how she's doing.
***update*** she made it through the night but is still panting a bit and is lying down. I’m trying to give her a water through a syringe and made some mash with her food and little sweetened yogurt to temp her to eat. Not really interested. She appears to be alert. I’ll keep her in with me for the next couple of days i guess to monitor her for any changes.

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