Just Installed Chicken Nipples!

Far too risque for my avatar but anyone is welcome to it.

You look like its COLD outside

I recieved my nipples yesterday so...today I installed them into two bottle caps. Outstanding. 2 week old chicks took to it like pros. I did install several into PVC, prepping for the big move outside. Not so good. All of those, four, are leaking around the PVC. I used silicone and installed carefully. Will investigate tomorrow. I have the section of PVC over newspaper in the garage. Not leaking alot, but.
Spent alday setting post for thier new home. Thats for another thread.

I did install several into PVC, prepping for the big move outside. Not so good. All of those, four, are leaking around the PVC. I used silicone and installed carefully. Will investigate tomorrow. I have the section of PVC over newspaper in the garage. Not leaking alot, but...

So did you figure out what the problem was? The lids you used that worked fine.... were they hard plastic, like the top of a plastic pop bottle? I would think you'd have drilled a hole, then... right?

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