Just joined! Five in our flock, hoping we don't lose our Tiny :(


7 Years
Aug 21, 2016
Walnut Creek, CA
Hello all!

I've read lots of threads from BYC online as we got ready to bring our chicks home. It's been a great resource and hoping to get some expert advice.

We got five straight run chicks middle of February and raised them all together. They've always gotten along and stay close together in the yard (free range, .25 acre) and roost together at night in their coop (3 nesting boxes). We have a Rhode Island Red (leader of the flock), a Black New Jersey Giant, a Black Australorp, a Golden Wyandotte, and a Cochin (listed in order of dominance in the pecking order).

A few days ago, my husband went to close the coop and Tiny (our Black Australorp) wasn't on the roosting bar and was standing on the floor of the coop facing the open door. He didn't think to mention it, but the next night I witnessed the same. The following day, there was such a commotion in the back yard that I thought a predator was after the girls. I didn't see what happened, only the Fluffy (Cochin and lowest bird) run across the yard. Tiny (Black Australorp) followed and was vocalizing loudly and the three other girls ran along the gate to catch up with Fluffy. I walked outside to see what happened and didn't see any hawks, raccoons, or Bob cats and I started to walk back inside when I saw Tiny hiding next to the waterer.
Her eyes were shut and swollen shut and she was so tired she couldn't stand. She has been totally healthy and even laid an egg in her weakened state. I took her to the vet and they said her eyes are in tact and gave her some pain meds and she's on antibiotics now. She's drinking pretty regularly but not eating much but a little mash. I'm keeping her away from the other gems for now and she is sleeping inside with us.
She doesn't have pasty butt and was acting normally until a couple days ago. If you have any advice, ideas, or thoughts on what this might be? So far, we are just keeping her away from the other birds and administering antibiotics twice daily. I'm also putting warm cotton balls on her eyes, followed by near tears, then antibiotic ointment. I took her outside today to feel the sun, get fresh air, hear the flock. I just hope we aren't going to lose her :( we love her so :( my son saved up his money for 3 1/2 years for his flock and would be devastated :(

Try posting here. Sorry you had all of that curious confusion!

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Hi and welcome to BYC. Cynthia12 has given you the best link - hopefully the experts there can assist.

Good luck
Nobody responded to my post on the Emergencies, injuries thread :( I'm so worried because she isn't eating at all, I have to open her beak and drop food in and she's fighting me to open her beak :(

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