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In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2023

I just joined today. I had 24 chickens on my property. 10 Rhode Island Red Chicks, 3 Rhode Island Hens, 2 Brown Laced Wyandotte Roosters, 6 Silver Laced Wyandotte Hens, 2 Chickens whose breed I do not know, 2 Guinea Fowl.

I had a horrific accident happen today that was my fault. My chicks who were old enough to be moved outside spent their first and last night outside last night. I woke up this morning (9am) and went out to do my normal care taking of the flock when I found all 12 chicks (10 Rhode Islands and 2 Guinea Fowl) dead. This was my 3rd batch of chicks since I started keeping chickens last year after moving to Texas. I made the dumb mistake of not assuming that the water they drink would evaporate in the hot Texas sun and they didn't have enough shade. I had them in a separate area than the rest of the flock so the others could see the chicks and hear them and hopefully get used to their presence over time. My assumption is they died of dehydration.

I feel guilty and upset. I know after thinking about what I could have done differently that this was my fault. I love my chickens but my negligence has led to some of their deaths. I also have emotional attachments to all my animals. I don't keep them for meat, only eggs.

I have certainly learned from my mistakes and I just needed to hear from other people who keep chickens.
Oh, what a heartbreak! I feel for you.

You've made the best of it by learning a lesson. Besides being sure about water and shade there have been several other tips for keeping birds cool in hot weather:

1. Texas Chicken Air Conditioner - just fill a few bottles or jugs with water and freeze them over night. Put the frozen bottles out in the pen, under shade and your chickens will hang out near them for the coolth.

2. Spray the water in the pen to moisten the soil.

3. Article about chicks and overheating

4. Article about Identifying and Treating Heat Stress in Chickens

5. Chicken slushie recipe with links to chats about keeping chickens cool

6. Ventilation - the design of your coop and pen can make a big difference to chicken health and well being. There are links to several coop designs.

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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am so sorry about your chicks, :hugs we all have made blunders we regret doing. Don't beat yourself up, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try to move on. I know how heavy your heart must be. :hugs
Thank you. My heart is heavy. I treat my responsibility of caring for my animals very seriously, so when this happened I was devastated.

Oh, what a heartbreak! I feel for you.

You've made the best of it by learning a lesson. Besides being sure about water and shade there have been several other tips for keeping birds cool in hot weather:

1. Texas Chicken Air Conditioner - just fill a few bottles or jugs with water and freeze them over night. Put the frozen bottles out in the pen, under shade and your chickens will hang out near them for the coolth.

2. Spray the water in the pen to moisten the soil.

3. Article about chicks and overheating

4. Article about Identifying and Treating Heat Stress in Chickens

5. Chicken slushie recipe with links to chats about keeping chickens cool

6. Ventilation - the design of your coop and pen can make a big difference to chicken health and well being. There are links to several coop designs.

To look for articles on your own:

A. Use the SEARCH button, but use the Advanced Search choice, and select ARTICLES at the top of the box. Just enter your keyword(s) and scroll through your results!

B. I find it helpful to notice the rating and reviews. All articles are by BYC members, and all the reviews/ratings are as well. The ratings help a newbie like me sort the most useful and reliable articles.

C. You can bookmark the articles or posts you think you want to refer to again using that bookmark icon at the top of articles or posts. You can find them again by clicking on your own avatar and looking at the list of bookmarks you have built up!
This is great information. Thank you. Ill spend some time looking into this.
Thank you. My heart is heavy. I treat my responsibility of caring for my animals very seriously, so when this happened I was devastated.
I know what you mean, creatures depend on us, we are always looking out after their best interest. But sometimes we make mistakes. :hugs We crush our own hearts. I've been there. :hugs

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