Just need to rant.. Why do hens change nests?


12 Years
May 13, 2011
North Alabama
I have a muscovy hen who has been sitting on a clutch for a few weeks already. This morning when I went to unlock the coop ( I allow everyone to free range during the day. 2 hens are sitting in this coop, 2 hens are dropping in to lay and 3 drakes come visiting as well. One hen sitting in the guinea coop, go figure, and sitting ducks can all go out to bath, eat and return), I found the one hen had decided that the clutch which was due on 5/24 was not looking as good as the nest with old duck eggs and a crap load of guinea eggs. I had recently cleared out 12 duck eggs and put them in the incubator in the house which now I wished I hadn't but there were so many eggs in this one nest ( 2 ducks plus 4 guineas using it). I also have about 50 guinea eggs in an incubator so I dont have room to rescue the eggs the hen WAS sitting on. Why do they do this? this was the preferred nest by most. the one hen is nesting in a tote, 2 more totes have eggs and no one sitting on them yet, the area under the bale of straw was just abandoned ( it was the prefered nest), and the nest the hen moved to has no roof, it is just a 12X12 plastic box with straw in it. GRRRRR.
Well,,,,,,,,, you may need to contact a Duck Psychiatrist to do an evaluation. Check your local Yellow Pages.
On the serious side. I would take the eggs duck has been incubating and place under her in the new location. Remove the existing eggs there since they are not started in process of hatching/incubating yet. (my understanding of the situation) If those are also started towards incubation,,,,,,, then get another incubator like YESTERDAY.. meaning ASAP.
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :highfive:
uggh, I have 2 incubators already.. this is so out of control... The eggs havent been sat on all day I am guessing so wont they have died?
If it is very warm where you are at today, chances are they are OK.
its been in the 80s during the day but they are in the shade in a hoop coop in the straw... when I got home the eggs were definately cooled, but I took all of them and tried to put them back under the hen but she almost took my hand off, so I resigned myself to moving them into the house, in an incubator... I took some existing eggs out, and added a dozen of the 18 she was sitting on. This morning I saw movement in all 12 so hopefully they are all ok. I would hate to lose them in 2 weeks when they are due.

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