Just ordered Gold Wyandottes from Meyers

Hello Leliamom,
As a person with aspirations of homesteading it myself I am a bit concerned by some of your comments. Particularly "We're exhausted all the time. If these chicks arrive sick or dead, we're out much needed birds and have to find another source - and will probably end up with hybrid birds with genetic issues that have cost us so much time and emotional stress not to mention money trying to "fix" birds that could not be fixed."
Any reputable hatchery will refund you for injuries or deaths sustained in transit. In my experience getting the exact breed you need is not too difficult although some breeds are more challenging to get early in the spring. Before settling for a Franken-chicken hybrid I would like to point you to any number of professional chicken hatcheries like Murray McMurray or Cackle. So far I've lost no chicks from my 27 little ones going on 2 weeks old and was compensated for a peep who came to us with a broken toe although now she is fine. I understand and empathize with your concerns, try not to let the cycle of life get you down I know it sometimes appears cruel. I would be happy to let you know how my own flock is doing and include some new pictures soon they are getting so big already!
Meyers does have a refund/replace policy, but time is of the essence. We are taking a chance getting our birds in early April instead of March because we have limited space and need our heated garage, heat lamps, feeders and time for our meat birds in May and our Turkeys in June. We'll have double brooders going and it'll literally be a zoo for three straight months. Not to mention getting the tilling / planting done for the garden, putting up additional electric fencing for a larger chicken yard, etc. And this is all squeezed in between our 40 hour a week jobs, kids' homework, etc.

What I meant about hybrid birds was we usually get RSLs and we've had so many issues with genetic issues we've decided to go with heritage breeds from now on. We don't have a farm vet so we do all our own vet work on the animals. Everything from egg bound to broken wings - it's hard work and emotionally draining. And my husband flat out refuses to stick his finger up a chicken's vent. So it's left up to me. I have a new found respect for my OBGYN. ;)

I went with Meyers because I could get the breed I wanted in April and they were pullets. The earliest for the other hatcheries was June and they were either straight run or much more expensive. Please let me know how your birds do as they grow. I'm interested in knowing how hatchery birds do. Thank you!
Hello Leliamom,
You do seem to have a lot going on! My first experience with chickens also was with RSLs and I, like you found them to have a number of defects and genetic issues which caused us to reach the same conclusion you did. Heritage breeds for us. Time is very important as you say, in dealing with the Hatchery so absolutely any issue you observe with your new chicks should be reported to Meyers as soon as you've had a chance to inspect each chick. You will likely be able to avoid many issues folks run into with chicks by getting pullets. Your biggest issue will be flock integration/introduction I'd suspect.
The RSLs did teach us a lot about chicken raising and of course we do not have a Veterinarian either. I would say that we've learned some hard lessons and losing a bird in a way that was preventable is incredibly stressful. Our flock is nearly 2 weeks old now and growing well. Black Jersey Giants they are:

What breed did you choose?
Hello Leliamom,
You do seem to have a lot going on! My first experience with chickens also was with RSLs and I, like you found them to have a number of defects and genetic issues which caused us to reach the same conclusion you did. Heritage breeds for us. Time is very important as you say, in dealing with the Hatchery so absolutely any issue you observe with your new chicks should be reported to Meyers as soon as you've had a chance to inspect each chick. You will likely be able to avoid many issues folks run into with chicks by getting pullets. Your biggest issue will be flock integration/introduction I'd suspect.
The RSLs did teach us a lot about chicken raising and of course we do not have a Veterinarian either. I would say that we've learned some hard lessons and losing a bird in a way that was preventable is incredibly stressful. Our flock is nearly 2 weeks old now and growing well. Black Jersey Giants they are:

What breed did you choose?
That's a good idea - I will notify Meyers with any issues immediately. We chose Wyandottes as the breed we're going to raise. We have several attached coops so when we move the young birds outside they can live next to the older birds for 10 - 12 weeks without actually mixing in and getting picked on. Its worked great the past few years. Last year we had one large fenced chicken yard but we are expanding it and creating two - one for winter and one for summer so the grass can recover. And we're electrifying everything. We have too many predators.

Your Jersey Giants look lovely! Do you switch them to a bucket feeder and nipple waterer or do you stay with dip feeders/waterers? If you switch, when and how do they take to the new system?
All 15 chicks arrived this morning, on schedule, doing well. Meyers put a heating pad in the box and it was still warm when I picked up the box from the PO. Meyers did not add an "extra" as many hatcheries do.

I'll post again in a few days to update and let you know how they are all doing.

There beautiful congrats!
Yay! So cute♡♡ glad they made the trip healthy and safe! Meyer ships my chick's monday, I pray I will be as lucky!:) congratulations!
We're at seven days old today. The chicks are doing well. We haven't lost anyone, though yesterday I was worried about one chick who seemed to be lethargic but she is acting normally today. All are eating and drinking and playing. I'm pleased with Meyers Hatchery, though I didn't get a notification that the chicks had shipped, they did arrive on the day promised. The birds appear healthy and happy. I'm no expert on this breed but they appear to all be of the breed I ordered.

We're at seven days old today. The chicks are doing well. We haven't lost anyone, though yesterday I was worried about one chick who seemed to be lethargic but she is acting normally today. All are eating and drinking and playing. I'm pleased with Meyers Hatchery, though I didn't get a notification that the chicks had shipped, they did arrive on the day promised. The birds appear healthy and happy. I'm no expert on this breed but they appear to all be of the breed I ordered.

I love your feeders! We have one for our hens that my husband made, but I didn't know how/when to make one for the littles. Did it take long for them to figure it out? And what size/type pipe did you use? Great idea!

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