just questions...


7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Anderson, SC
Hi, I'm new to the chicken obsession, but wow, what a fun obsession! I got my coop about 2 months ago, a few days later, a few hens. Had 2 unfortunate attacks, because I was free ranging in our cleared 3 acre yard (surrounded with small patches of woods and in a cove on the lake, I underestimated our predators). So I added a couple more hens, and due to the obsession a cool young Roo. Last week I added a Plamondon hoop, and a "playpen" to the side of the coop. Added a few other cool predator deterrers and all seems fun and less stress. Well, in the meantime...Roo, has become a man, and I have noticed that one hen's eggs are fertilized....BUT, the other 2 who were laying have stopped. Opinions on if its stress of the pen, or could it be stress from Mr.Man Roo? I put toys and fun stuff out for them daily, so it shouldnt be boredom...idk.
Also, I need advice on how long I should wait to start incubating some chics? I'm ready, but wanna make sure they are mature enough to produce healthy hatching eggs.

Well, he is handsome

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You could start right off the bat but, I waited a little while :) The oldest your egg should be is at the MOST 7 days old :)

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