just rambling, replies not necessary


6 Years
May 5, 2016
Orange county NY
one of my chicks has cross beak aka scissor beak. It's almost 4 weeks old and a rooster. I know I can't breed it, It's a bantam so not worth growing it out to eat it. It's not my favorite. Heck, I'm not even sure what breed it is. He came in an assortment special.
The longer I keep him the worse it gets. Tomorrow I will cull him. :hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit:hit

I never culled a chick before. I have dispatched and butchered chickens, but this is different. it's so little. I will be doing the "broom stick" method. I know this is all part of being a chicken owner.
Some will think I'm taking the easy way out, and with lots of attention this chick can have a long life.

I'm not like them any more.

I once kept a cat alive because I loved her. It's a long story. To sum it up, she survived but has brain damage. She lives in a no kill rescue. She was more work than I could handle. I will never keep an animal alive for selfish reasons again.

I'm only posting this so I can't back out. :hit
You're doing the right thing .sometimes we have to make hard decisions for Animals .this chicken will never be normal .it can never have a normal chicken life. the other chickens will know it's not normal and may pick on it.
sometimes these decisions are hard but this is the right one .
God bless you and your chickens, Karen
I support your decision, but I do have one final caveat!
Some chickens grow out of beak deformalities. I had an australorp with a slight deformation, and an Easter egger with total scissor beak, and they both outgrew the condition by adulthood. I honestly did not give them any extra attention, and other than having dry mouth at times, they did not suffer. They both went on to be fabulous laying hens. So if you might have some time you could wait and see. But, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! Like you said, it's part of being a chcken farmer.

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