Just rescued 6 chickens and need some help with identifying breeds. Help please :-)


13 Years
Dec 21, 2010
Myakka, FL
Hey guys - we have just added 6 new chickens to our happy flock. They were rescued from a person in the area who had left them in a coop knee-high in poop and no feed - needless to say, they're doing much better. Anyway, we did not want any roosters but have a little guy who we're convinced is a 'guy' by the crow and the hen-jumping that's going on (LOL).

Knowing very little about breeds other than the RIR's we currently have, could anyone let me know what breed chickens these are? I'm sure the bare-necked gals are turkey-necks and the spotted one looks like a barred rock, and one of them looks like an americauna

..... I don't know could you have a look and let me know what you think?
Yeah, I agree with Turken, Barred Plymouth Rock, and (probably) Ameraucana (does she have little fluffs of feathers on her cheeks? Hard to tell in the pic). I'm not sure what last cream-colored cockerel is, but he's a handsome boy (the Rock looks like a cockerel, too). They're sure lucky you rescued them--their feathers look like they are all suffering from nutrient deficiencies! They'll all be so much happier (and healthier)!
Oh thank you so much for the speedy response! Yes, you are exactly right - she does have a fluffy neck (not sure if it's her cheeks) but they look very scraggly - they actually look better in the pics than in real life :-(. Do you think the cockerel could be an americauna mix? He's so small compared to our RIR boy
Hey guys - we have just added 6 new chickens to our happy flock. They were rescued from a person in the area who had left them in a coop knee-high in poop and no feed - needless to say, they're doing much better. Anyway, we did not want any roosters but have a little guy who we're convinced is a 'guy' by the crow and the hen-jumping that's going on (LOL).

Knowing very little about breeds other than the RIR's we currently have, could anyone let me know what breed chickens these are? I'm sure the bare-necked gals are turkey-necks and the spotted one looks like a barred rock, and one of them looks like an americauna
turken and a marans



ummm not quite sure

..... I don't know could you have a look and let me know what you think?

none of these are roosters

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