Just to say Hi


In the Brooder
Nov 22, 2022
Hi, thank you for letting me join you. I've read so many articles here over the last few years and find the help and advice given is brilliant.
I've been keeping chickens for about 4 years and I've a mixed flock of farmyard hens and bantams. 26 in total, all named😘.
I never realised chickens had such personalities until I started keeping them. I love spending time with them, they bring me so much joy.
Hi, thank you for letting me join you. I've read so many articles here over the last few years and find the help and advice given is brilliant.
I've been keeping chickens for about 4 years and I've a mixed flock of farmyard hens and bantams. 26 in total, all named😘.
I never realised chickens had such personalities until I started keeping them. I love spending time with them, they bring me so much joy.
Welcome to BYC!! Chickens have awesome personalities once you get to know them! :)

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