Just wanted to introduce myself


Apr 2, 2024
I’m Jason from Higbee Farms just moved to eastern Kentucky from good old Nashville Tennessee! I raise chickens at the moment been breeding and showing dogs over 20 years and as I’ll still do that I also worked in the music industry but I’m 42 about be 43 I just want life to slow down and go back when I was a kid

So I’m a chicken owner lol well I do know there is chicken math is real lol

Barred rock light Brahmas buff orphington and couple of amerucana birds is what dealing with atm .. I didn’t know there was a chicken breeding program like dogs so speak so that blew my mind and then also got me doing extensive research!! Geno pheno blah blah

So looking to do some mixing but without sacrifices of structure and all it would have to make sense !! I am looking to mix the amerucana to my orphingtons as my foundation but idk yet ..But it blew my mind

But wanted get on here introduce myself and just excited to learn learn learn

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